Profile settings
Change profile settings and update your account profile by editing account name, gender, and email.
- From the top left of the homepage, click the profile name to go to your Account Settings. Make sure you’re on the INFO tab.
- Click on Edit across your name and enter a new one.
- Click on Save to finish.
- Click on the dropdown and select an gender option.
- Click on Confirm to finish.
- Click on Edit at the email field and enter your preferred email.
- Click on Save to finish.

Edit account preference
Change profile settings and update your account preference by editing account country and language.
- Click on the dropdown and select an country option. Changes will automatically save.
- Click on Confirm to finish.
- Click on the dropdown and select an language option.
- Click on Confirm to finish.
Upload or change profile photo
- Click on your profile photo from the top of the profile setting.
- Select an option to change profile photo. Either choose from Avatar Gallery, Take Photo or Choose From Device Library.
- Choose the file to upload from your device, and click Open. Wait for the upload to finish, and your profile photo will automatically update.
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