A Seamless Path to Your Perfect Day

A Seamless Path to Your Perfect Day

Your Wedding Planning Journey with Thebigdays

Pre-Wedding Planning

Months to a Year Before

Create Your Account

Begin by signing up on Thebigdays and creating your wedding account.

Set the Date

Input your wedding date and access a personalised timeline to guide your planning.

Guest List Management

Import guests from Excel or bulk add in app, streamlined guest list organisation with options for categorisation.

Your Wedding Planning Journey with Thebigdays

Pre-Wedding Planning

Months to a Year Before

1. Create Your Account

Begin by signing up on Thebigdays and creating your wedding account.

2. Set the Date

Input your wedding date and access a personalised timeline to guide your planning.

3. Guest List Management

Import guests from Excel or bulk add in app, streamlined guest list organisation with options for categorisation.

Mid-Wedding Planning

6 Months to a Few Weeks Before

Seating Arrangement

Easily arrange and visualise seating plans, efficiently plan seating for guests, taking into account relationships and preferences.

QR Code Setup

Prepare and generate QR codes for guests for facilitate smooth check-ins.

Mid-Wedding Planning

6 Months to a Few Weeks Before

1. Seating Arrangement

Easily arrange and visualise seating plans, efficiently plan seating for guests, taking into account relationships and preferences.

2. QR Code Setup

Prepare and generate QR codes for guests for facilitate smooth check-ins.


1 Month to a Few Days Before

Guest Communication

Send reminders and updates to guests through the messaging blast module.

QR Code Distribution

Distribute QR codes to guests for easy and secure check-in.


1 Month to a Few Days Before

1. Guest Communication

Send reminders and updates to guests through the messaging blast module.

2. QR Code Distribution

Distribute QR codes to guests for easy and secure check-in.

Wedding Day

QR Code Check-Ins

Helpers use Thebigdays app to assist guest check-in by scanning guest unique QR code.

Live Check-In Statistics

Monitor guest arrivals in real-time with the live check-in statistics update.

Capture Gift Information

Record and manage gifts received during the event.

Wedding Day

1. QR Code Check-Ins

Helpers use Thebigdays app to assist guest check-in by scanning guest unique QR code.

2. Live Check-In Statistics

Monitor guest arrivals in real-time with the live check-in statistics update.

3. Capture Gift Information

Record and manage gifts received during the event.


Post-Event Data

Access post-wedding data and statistics to analyse and reminisce.

Thank You Messages

Express gratitude to guests using the integrated messaging blast.

Gift Record

Review and manage the gift record for post-wedding tasks.


1. Post-Event Data

Access post-wedding data and statistics to analyse and reminisce.

2. Thank You Messages

Express gratitude to guests using the integrated messaging blast.

3. Gift Record

Review and manage the gift record for post-wedding tasks.

Celebrate Joyfully! Ready to try out these features?

Connecting joy across 115+ countries, guiding 5,000+ happy couples, and celebrating with 1,000,000+ guests (and counting).

  • positive review  Thank you for creating such an amazing app. It was a breeze for guests to check-in at our wedding reception and temple ceremony. Highly recommend this app to those of... read more

    Racheal Louis Vincent Avatar Racheal Louis

    positive review  Excellent app that is intuitive and easy to use. No more pieces of paper lying all over the reception and saves us and our helpers a lot of time trying... read more

    Andrea Cher Avatar Andrea Cher

    positive review  The most arduous task in having a wedding reception is managing your guest list. You will need a seamless system to record the details of guests who have RSVP-ed, to... read more

    Cheang Chee Kong Avatar Cheang Chee

    positive review  The apps is very useful for table management and guest check in

    Alfred Khor Avatar Alfred Khor
  • positive review  Professional and patient in giving suggestion and solving client's problem. Thanks for always ready to help in organising my company annual dinner. 🙏👍

    Linz Linz Avatar Linz Linz

    positive review  A very useful APP to handle large amount of guest information. No more irritating and confusing paper work to handle guest management. Support is fast and clear. Lots of video... read more

    Tan Song Wei Avatar Tan Song

    positive review  App is very user friendly, easy to manage guest lists, fast guests check in with QR code, would totally recommend this app to anyone who planning a wedding reception! Last... read more

    WeiYeen Lim Avatar WeiYeen Lim

    positive review  大力推荐这个thebigday apps…之前是我的密友介绍的…它可以完全live的monitor全部guest的到来…要换位子也可以轻松做到…临时加人完全没问题的安排…那个桌子要特别注意都一目了然让你知道…谁没来也一清二楚…也让你知道现在出席的嘉宾率是多少然后通知酒楼大概几点开始酒席…完婚后拆红包记录每一位嘉宾的红包一清二楚…记得预先把这个apps share给到时谁会帮你们做reception的…让他们熟练一下…这样到了当天用起来就得心应手…目前这个apps是RM99…对了…谢谢密友…

    Loo Loo Avatar Loo Loo
  • positive review  I would highly recommend this app for management of guest attendance & angbAo tabulation. - App is user friendly, most of the features and functionality is intuitive , but some does... read more

    QUek Yixian Avatar QUek Yixian

    positive review  The apps helped us alot in guest management and table arrangement. We can access to the apps and do any addition/amendment/deletion anytime, anywhere. We can easily changed the table numbers... read more

    Hedy Chee Avatar Hedy Chee

    positive review  The big day apps 在我们的婚宴宾客处理上扮演着非常重要的角色,让我们轻轻松松就把宾客安排妥当👍 强力推荐给予每位新人💗👍👍

    Candy Chew Avatar Candy Chew

    positive review  Great app and great response rate from the team. Easy to use and savvy enough to impress the guests at the event. Thanks a lot and will continue to engage... read more

    Wennesday Cheong Avatar Wennesday Cheong
  • positive review  Is definitely BEST DECISION ever to have this apps!! Sooo smooth and never have downtime at all, and remember night before wedding we have to make sudden guests table arrangement,... read more

    Sharon Liow Avatar Sharon Liow

    positive review  It’s really easy to use! It helps us a lot in arranging our guests seating, special requests (eg. Vegetarian, baby chairs, halal etc) and not to mention to monitor guest... read more

    Yean Hui Avatar Yean Hui

    positive review  Thank you to Thebigday app! It’s really useful towards my table planning and arrangement whenever the number of tables changed. Easy to swap, move or delete the whole table. Angbao... read more

    Madeline Tay Avatar Madeline Tay

    positive review  very useful app…easy to use…good service👍👍

    휴믄톻 Avatar 휴믄톻
  • positive review  Thanks to the team , always supportive and helpful, is really a great apps for manage the wedding day , highly recommend !! Is easy and convenient. ♥️

    Shuhui Aw Avatar Shuhui Aw

    positive review  非常推荐給准备结婚的新人,真的解决了婚礼上座位安排等等问题...简单又容易上手,非常谢谢thebigday的贴心服务🥰

    Wei Teng Avatar Wei Teng

    positive review  Really impressed with this user friendly and useful apps! All my guests also felt awesome with the QR code check in. 🤭 This app helps to arrange seat for my guests,... read more

    Yan Ran Ng Avatar Yan Ran

    positive review  Thanks for creating such useful app! Is a must app to use for every event even a small event. Give guests a ‘wow’ impression like super geng super high tech.... read more

    Karmunz Eng Avatar Karmunz Eng
  • positive review  Glad that came across this apps few months before our big day. It’s so convenient which we can adjust guest attendance and table arrangement anytime, anywhere. I even changed table... read more

    Amy Yap Hwui Chi Avatar Amy Yap

    positive review  Thebigday app is super user-friendly and efficient. My family members and friends who helped me with checking-in guests were very impressed with the application's efficiency. Also, the crew had assisted... read more

    Lee Yee Teng Eva Avatar Lee Yee

    positive review  非常感激thebigday...刚开始本来没打算用可是因为要管理60桌的宾客对我们负责接待的朋友真的很吃力...我们到现在都没后悔当初的选择,它真的减轻我们好多负担!而且只要有电话就能够check in或者找名字,这让我们不用带着纸张满场跑,真的很方便!而且在记录红包也很简单,最后由管理员generate report给我们就行了!非常推荐这个apps!非常感谢管理员的帮助!

    Joen Sia Avatar Joen Sia

    positive review  一開始帶著嘗試的心態去用這個app,對機不離身的年輕人來說真的很方便。scan個qr code就能找到名字桌位。 從輸入名字,編排桌位,紅包系統都非常方便容易。迎賓區讓賓客check in的同時,我能在化妝間觀察入座人數及臨時作出桌位更改等。同時sync。 在user expired後還會發你excel file,紀錄紅包,桌位,名字等等的資料和賓客checkin方式 (search or qr code) 非常推薦! p/s: 如果有電腦版輸入系統想必一定很好用。

    Purlyn Teoh Avatar Purlyn Teoh
  • positive review  用于在我的婚礼,由于很多亲戚朋友没办法亲自给他们请柬,这个apps可以解决我的问题。我只需要发QR code给他们,(在QRcode里有婚礼日期,时间,地点和location map)他们只需要凭QR code入场。这可以减轻接待员的工作,来宾也可以快速知道他们的座位。婚礼完毕后,他们会邮件给我所有报告包括来宾的红包记录。这apps实在太好用了!

    Cathryn Lim Avatar Cathryn Lim

    positive review  一個非常棒的Apps,從記錄賓客名字開始,到安排桌位,再到婚禮當天登記,婚後的紅包記錄,統統一個Apps 搞定,真的幫我們節省了很多時間。 直接愛上這個 Apps 😍😍 絕對適合忙著處理婚禮大小事的你們 💪 超級省麻煩,Apps 打開就是數據和資料,需要的時候還可以 export excel。 從婚禮前,不管任何時間任何地點,需要更新資料,打開Apps 輸入就好。 婚禮當天不管怎麼換位置、名字或者需要做人數更動,只要打開Apps,每個人都能處理。 謝謝 Thebigday 😊

    Felicia Koo Avatar Felicia Koo

    negative review  The app is a very good idea and very convenient. I enjoy fullest especially on table arrangement. Customer service is great and responsive! App is also easy to use. However... read more

    Tan Yen Shi Avatar Tan Yen

    positive review  used this apps for my wedding dinner. very convenient for me the check if my guests have arrived even I was doing make up. it is friendly used apps. recommended!

    Sabrina Ang Avatar Sabrina Ang
  • positive review  这是一个非常棒的Apps 宴会前几天安排好所有宾客的座位 到了当天 我在化妆室随时可以看到出席的人数 不需要一直向reception询问 reception寻找宾客名字也好简单 轻轻松松就能知道座位的号码和报道 谢谢JJ耐心的帮助 非常推荐这个Apps❤️

    Lmin Min Avatar Lmin Min

    positive review  Satisfied with this app in managing big crowd. Paperless and easy to search for guest, and QR code scan is really efficient! Super effective customer services as well, who can... read more

    Mun Mun Ho Avatar Mun Mun

    positive review  真的非常推荐这个apps!! 完全为你婚礼省下不少烦恼 婚前准备-位子分配 特别remark, 随时在手机上可以安排 简单方便 婚礼上-可以轻易的看到来宾签到 婚后- 记录红包 让你不会漏掉来宾的红包 还可以随时查阅 值得一推是非常棒的服务态度 有问必答 谢谢你们!一

    Nicol Tan Avatar Nicol Tan

    positive review  Satisfied with this apps! I used it for company event, it's really simplified our job and speed up the registration process. The report generated by thebigday make our guest list... read more

    Livien Liwed Avatar Livien Liwed
  • positive review  This is a very amazing app i had seen so far... We are able to track and monitor the live guest check in list and make changes of table arrangement... read more

    Ng Huili Avatar Ng Huili

    positive review  我用在公司的尾牙晚宴上,很多突发状况,更改座位都是靠这个app的帮助才让我用最快的时间解决问题。同事都很surprise。thebigday的服务很好,回答迅速,我们会向其他人大力推荐的

    Cheryl Lim Avatar Cheryl Lim

    positive review  很庆幸有这个app 帮我们省了不少功夫。让我们不需要带着纸笔一个个来记录和安排位子。我们可以随时随地的输入宾客资料,安排位子等等。婚宴当晚宾客入席登记快速又简单,我们的兄弟姐妹团们只需要拿着手机手机就可以帮忙Check in 宾客,然后通知宾客座位超方便的,宾客也不需要在那里等很久。当晚我和老公都很忙我们还可以用这个app看当时的出席状况决定要不要开始超方便!晚宴后记录红包也很方便不需要纸笔,而且记录后还可以拿到红包报告不需要怕纸不见掉。非常推荐用这个app! 也要谢谢JJ的帮忙,每次都耐心的回答我们的疑问。棒棒哒!

    Tracy Wong Avatar Tracy Wong

    positive review  没想过时代进步到如此的地步,连个结婚的宾客名单可以如此的简化,省时间,没烦恼。无意间发现了The Big Day, 想想这也许能在我的婚礼上能帮到一些,也刚好老板的儿子要结婚了,就介绍了这个Apps给老板,简约的向老板解释了大致上的用途和方法,老板二话不说的就叫我安排&付钱😄 感谢客服一直很有耐心的一一解答我的问题,老板说当天好多宾客都称赞Reception的流程非常的顺畅,大家都好满意,感觉自己给老板攒了面子呢😄😄😄 将来我的婚礼也要用这个!😍😍 非常推荐给正在筹备或即将要准备婚礼的新人。这个服务和价钱绝对值得拥有!!

    Goh Kai Lee Avatar Goh Kai
  • positive review  Highly recommended!!! It was a super useful apps, it helps me to track and monitor LIVE wedding guest attendance data - anytime, anyplace, anywhere !!! Besides, it easy to use to record... read more

    Cindy SeenMun Avatar Cindy SeenMun

    positive review  告别传统 只要手中的手机就能搞定一切婚宴的座位安排,check in 宾客到记录红包!有了这个apps 真的好方便 省了很多时间!apps 还很贴心 华语名字只要打英文字母拼音就可以啦!顾问也很有礼貌 遇到问题 都会耐心教导😘 值得推荐!

    Yoshikuni Liu Avatar Yoshikuni Liu

    positive review  This is super useful apps. The apps is user friendly and the staff willing to help and response quick. They help me resolve issue immediately and guide me a lot... read more

    Stella 慧珊 Avatar Stella 慧珊

    positive review  结婚最头痛的就是排座位。而这次thebigday为我解决了这个难题。起初一看到这个App时候就非常好奇并抱着试试看的心态签下的。在过程中要谢谢JJ那么细心及那么有效率地回答我每个问题。 这个App可以让新人: - 知道还有多少个空位 -马上可以查到来宾的座位 -马上知道是否名字有Duplicate 总得来说!简直是太棒了!整个婚礼不需要纸和笔。只要有一台手机就可以了❤️ 再次感谢thebigday为我解决了千人宴的座位。非常满意!值得推荐👍👍👍

    Cecilia Ma Avatar Cecilia Ma