There are several possible reasons why your guest list doesn’t import or have errors when importing. Here is what you can do:

The required fields are empty.

Before uploading your guest list to the system, make sure the required fields are filled out (e.g., Name of Guest, Number of Guests). Importing an empty required field will be denied by the system.


Number of Guests field has non-numeric values.

The Number of Guests field can only be filled in with numeric values (e.g. 1,2,3 & etc). System imports cannot be made with non-numeric values (e.g. one, two, three, etc.).


There is no data on the Import sheet.

Ensure that the guest information is filled out on the Import sheet. You will not be able to upload your guest list if the Import sheet is empty.


The Import sheet is either removed or renamed.

Do not rename or remove the Import sheet, as it will be recognized by the system as the guest list data to be imported.


The Import sheet titles and captions have been renamed or removed.

Titles and captions cannot be renamed or removed from the Import sheet, since it is recognized by the system as guest list data.


New columns won’t import, so don’t add them.

It is not recommended to add new columns to the Import sheet, as the system will not import them. The dietary and special request information of guests can be bulk added to the app after import.


Importing guest list is only available through web browsers.

Currently, this feature can only be accessed through web browsers. We are working on bringing this feature available for mobile app soon.


File names and extensions

Please use the guest list file that you downloaded from and do not change the file name and extension to avoid import errors. Remove any special characters from the file names as well.


Your web browser

Make sure to update your web browser. You can also try using a different browser to upload the guest list. It is recommended using the latest version of Google chrome to have the best experience.


Your internet connection

The upload of the guest list requires a stable connection. If you have a second network available, connect to it before trying to upload the file. If not, try reset your connection before uploading again.